Bioelectrochemical Society

The Giulio Milazzo Prize of BES

1. The Giulio Milazzo Prize is awarded every two years at the BES-Symposium to distinguished members of the Bioelectrochemical Society who have demonstrated excellence in science and contributed to the expansion of the field of bioelectrochemistry.

2. Candidates should also demonstrate substantial contributions to the Society and continuous membership of BES for not less than 3 years before nomination.

3. Any member of the Society may submit nominations but not later than 3 months prior to a forthcoming BES Symposium, but self-nominations are excluded. The nomination/application form and supporting materials, to be submitted to the Secretary General of the BES, should consist of:
(i) no more than 1000 words giving details of the relevant contribution of the individual
(ii) a letter summarizing the nominee's qualifications, and at least two letters supporting the nomination
(iii) the curriculum vitae including honours previously received
(iv) a list of the 10 most significant publications of the candidate
Forms for the submission of nominations are provided on the BES webpage.

4. The winner is expected to attend the BES Symposium where the award will be presented and to give the "Giulio Milazzo Prize" lecture at the symposium, otherwise the Prize will not be given.

5. The prize consists of a certificate and the sum of €2500, which includes a contribution towards travel expenses for the winner to attend the BES Symposium where the award will be presented, appointment as “Honorary Member of the Bioelectrochemical Society” and presentation of the "Giulio Milazzo Prize" lecture. BES will also pay for his/her registration and banquet fees.

6. A Prize Committee will select one candidate from the nominations. The Prize Committee will consist of the President of the Society, who will chair the Prize Committee, and at least 4 BES members who will be elected by the BES Council 2 months prior to the forthcoming BES Symposium. BES members submitting any nomination will become ineligible for the Prize Committee. In case the BES President becomes ineligible, he/she will be replaced by a BES Council member, who will serve as the Chairman of the Prize Committee and whose name will be decided by the BES Council.

Financial aspects
Certificate, sum of €2500, and BES-symposium registration and banquet fees, all paid from BES funds.

Prize committee
The selection of the winner will be made by a committee organised and chaired by the President of BES.

“Call for nominations for Giulio Milazzo Prize of BES
Nominations will be invited for the Giulio Milazzo Prize of BES – 2026 in late 2025.
The winner will be announced and presented at the biannual BES Symposium 2026, where the winner will give the "Giulio Milazzo Prize" lecture.

Completed nominations must be sent by e-mail as a single attachment (pdf) not later than 15 February 2026 and in accordance with the award rules to:
Prof. Edmond Magner

Previous winners
Lo Gorton (2022)

Official Journal of the Bioelectrochemical Society