BES Past Sponsored Meeting
Sponsored Meetings 2023
Report on the BES-sponsored Meeting: “4th European BioSensor Symposium 2023 in Aachen, Germany”
EBS_2023_Aachen.pdf Nov 6, 2023
Report on the BES-sponsored Workshop: “Biophotoelectrochemical Systems: Solar Energy Conversion and Fundamental Investigations”
Sponsored Meetings 2022
16th International Scientific Workshop and Postgraduate Course Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments 2022
16th Dresden Sensor Symposium 2022
Dresdner Sensor Symposium 2022
Sponsored Meetings 2021
10th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing, SMCBS'2021
European Biosensor Symposium: EBS 2021 Online
Wildau, Germany (online)
Chair: Fred Lisdat
The EBS is a series of conferences devoted to all aspects of biosensor research. Previous conferences took place 2017 in Potsdam (Germany) and 2019 in Florence (Italy). 2021 the 3rd EBS has been originally planed in Aachen as a meeting in presence, but this had to be postponed to 2022 because of the Covid 19 pandemics. The scientific committee has decided to organise an Online Symposium as a replacement in 2021 with the same scientific focus and according to the tradition of this conference series with a strong focus on young researchers.
Sponsored Meetings 2020
Due to the corona pandemic most meetings planed had to be postponed or the organisers have decided to shift to an online version. BES is supporting such activities and in 2020 these are the following workshops and symposia:
6th Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
June 2021
Brasov, Romania
Chair: Monica Florescu
The conference is designed as an international forum for effective exchange of knowledge among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, bioengineering, environmental protection and food safety. The “IC-ANMBES 2020“ will cover different aspects of (nano)analytical methods, which will be presented in the frame of two main themes:
1. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biophysical and Biomedical Applications
2. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Environmental and Food Safety
4th International Wroclaw Scientific Meetings
9.-10.10.2020 online
Wroclaw, Poland
Three plenary lectures will concern the application of electrochemical concepts and techniques to the fundamental or applied study of living systems. Key aspects will be: understanding and characterization of cell response to pulsed electric fields treatments (with particular emphasis on nanosecond-duration pulses and cell death mechanisms), molecular modelling in electroporation, application of the electrochemotherapy method in veterinary and usage of nanocarriers. |
NanoGE2020: Bio-hybrid approaches to solar energy conversion: the bio-material interface
19. -23.10. 2020 online
Barcelona, Spain
Chairs: Vincent Friebe, Lars Jeuken, Jenny Zhang
The scope of the symposium is to examine the interface and mechanisms in bioelectrochemical and hybrid systems for energy conversion. Currently, biological machineries including proteins, enzymes and whole cells are being integrated with electrodes and materials for fuel and power generation. One of the key challenges in this rapidly growing field is to control the bio-material interface to enhance the complex charge/energy exchange processes which often form the bottleneck of the overall conversion process. This symposium strongly complements the main BES events since it brings together biologists, (bio)electrochemists, and biophysicists to discuss ideas for tackling this interdisciplinary challenge in bioelectrochemistry.
14th International Workshop and Postgraduate Course Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments
EBTT 2020,
November 15 – 21, 2020
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chair: Damijan Miklavčič
The topic of electroporation is an interdisciplinary one and falls well within the scope of your society – even more: it was “discovered” within your society. Interdisciplinary nature of electroporation and of its applications is also reflected in the expertise of the lecturers, which ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy, to physical chemistry and electrical engineering. Similarly, broad is the range of participants we expect to attend the course.
11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry
October 2021
Moscow, Russia
Chair: Aslan Yu. Tsivadze
International Frumkin Symposiums are organized each 5 years. Their scope cover the whole electrochemistry. The forthcoming meeting will be carried out as 5 sections. All sections are organized by top electrochemists of Russia and abroad. In particular, three of these sections:
Section 1. Fundamental Aspects of Electrochemistry (including electrified interfaces),
Section 4. Bioelectrochemistry and Biomedical Applications of Electrochemistry and
Section 5. Electroanalysis (devoted to sensors and biosensors) are directly related to the electrochemical phenomena of biological and medical systems.
9th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing - SMCBS'2019
8-12 November 2019, Zelechów Palace Hotel,
Marszalka J. Pilsudskiego 36, 08-430 Zelechów, Poland
Chair: Wlodzimierz Kutner (
The workshop will mainly focus on the art of chemical and biochemical modifications (including polymer coatings) of solid transducer surfaces for selective sensing, novel methods of surface films examination as well as mass and charge transport in these films. The workshop is dedicated to young researchers. Tutorial lectures of renowned senior scientists, keynote lectures of top scientists in the field, and broad discussion will allow these researchers to improve their knowledge on fundamentals and applications of sensors and sensing.
13th International Workshop and Postgraduate Course: Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments
November 10-16, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chair: Damijan Miklavčič
The topic of electroporation is an interdisciplinary one and falls well within the scope of your society – even more: it was “discovered” within your society. Interdisciplinary nature of electroporation and of its applications is also reflected in the expertise of the lecturers, which ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy, to physical chemistry and electrical engineering. Similarly, broad is the range of participants we expect to attend the course.
3rd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Field in Biology, Medicine, Food & Environmental Technologies
3-6 September 2019, Toulouse, France
Chair: L. Mir
The objective of the 3rd World congress will be to bring together people from different disciplines possessing diverse expertise, who are involved in a basic research or are developing applications based on the use of pulsed electric field, i.e. bioelectrochemical processes, and to highlight the most relevant areas of research and development in the field of novel and emerging applications.
Electrochemistry for symmetry breaking in molecules, materials & processes (ECHEMS)
20-23.05.2019, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, France
Chair: Alexander Kuhn (University Bordeaux)
This international conference is the 13th edition of a long series of conferences. It will treat various aspects of electrochemistry, including also bioelectrochemical aspects for which the break of symmetry is an important ingredient like for example in biofuel cells or biophotovoltaics. This is among others exemplified by one of the invited lectures given by Jenny Zhang (Cambridge) about semi-artificial photosynthesis.
2nd European Biosensor Symposium (EBS 2019)
18-21 February 2019, Florence, Italy
Chairs: M. Minunni, F. Baldini
This international conference is the second in a series of European conferences, but a follower of the long lasting German Biosensor Symposia organised every two years. It covers all aspects of biosensor research with focus on technologies for innovative formats in bioanalysis, bioengineered and biomimetic recognition elements, nanotechnology, surface engineering and bioelectronics, cell biosensors and single cell based diagnostics, microfluidics, theory and mathematics and advances in applications. The symposium is intended as a platform for young scientists to exchange and build networks.
12th International Workshop and Postgraduate Course Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments
11-17 November, 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chair: Damijan Miklavi
The topic of electroporation is an interdisciplinary one and falls well within the scope of the Bioelectrochemical Society – even more: it was “discovered” within your society. Interdisciplinary nature of electroporation and of its applications is also reflected in the expertise of the lecturers of the Workshop, which ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy,
to physical chemistry and electrical engineering.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioelectronics of Macromolecules
12-06-2018 – 15-06-2018, Brno, Czech Republic
Chair: M. Fojta
The Conference is held on the occasion of 70th birthday of Professor Joseph Wang. It puts together many world-recognized scientists working in various fields of electrochemistry such as:
electrochemistry and chemical modification of biopolymers (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates), aptamers and aptasensors, bioelectrochemical devices and arrays, electrocatalysis in nucleic acids and protein sensing, electrochemistry at membranes, micro- and nanomachines, electrode materials and modifications, nanomaterials in electrochemical biosensing, analytical applications
17th International Conference On Electroanalysis
03-06-2018 to 07-06-2018, Rhodos, Greece
Chair: Anastasios Economu
ESEAC2018 is a forthcoming event organized as the latest of the highly successful biannual series of ESEAC International Meetings on Electroanalytical Chemistry. ESEAC2018 will draw on a panel of distinguished Plenary/Keynote speakers and will be devoted to the theory and applications of Electroanalysis. As with previous Conferences in the series, one of the main themes of ESEAC2018 will be biosensing with a large proportion of the lecture and poster presentations concentrating on biosensors and their applications
8th International Conference on Electrochemistry in Nanosciences : Electrochemistry for Nano & Nano for Electrochemistry
29-31-may-2018, Nancy, France
Chair: Alain Walcarius
This year, the international meeting of Electrochemistry in Nanoscience (ElecNano8) addresses the topic of Electrochemistry for Nano & Nano for Electrochemistry with a well identified emphasis on biological objects (electrochemical characterization as well as biosensors development) supported by invited speakers of Prof. Wolfgang Schumann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany),
Prof. Philip N Bartlett (University of Southampton, UK – BES honorary member) and Prof. Bin Ren (Xiamen University, China).
5th Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
23-25 May, 2018, Brasov, Romania
Chair: Monica Florescu
The conference is designed as an international forum for effective exchange of knowledge among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of: biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, bioengineering, environmental protection and food safety.
The “IC-ANMBES 2018“ will cover different aspects of (nano)analytical methods, which will be presented in the frame of two main themes:
1. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biophysical and Biomedical Applications
2. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Environmental and Food Safety
Gordon Research Seminar (2018) - Electrochemistry
6-7 January 2018, Ventura, Los Angeles, USA
Chair: R. Milton
Electrochemistry GRS meetings typically cover all areas of electrochemistry across a 2-day meeting that is targeted at graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
The 2018 meeting will hold a session specifically aimed at bioelectrochemical systems for biosensing and energy conversion.
European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Piero Lunghi Conference - EFC17
December 12th -15th , 2017, Naples, Italy
Chair: Viviana Cigolotti
The EFC is an international scientific event in the hydrogen and fuel cells industry. From the last three editions, a special session on Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) started and, due to the success, it passed regular session since this year. The MFC Session lasts usually more than one day, attracting an increasing number of scientists as the high quality of the works and the opportunity of to achieve an overview of the major innovations in the industry and on the innovative renewable energy, particularly in relation to future energy scenarios linked to the recent European regulatory provisions for the use of alternative fuels in transport towards the goal of decarbonisation.
11th International Workshop and Postgraduate Course Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments, EBTT 2017,
12.11.-18.11. 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chairs: Peter Kramar
The topic of electroporation is an interdisciplinary one and is by nature in the heart of BES. The expertise of the lecturers ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy, to physical chemistry and electrical engineering. Particular focus is on young scientists and the incorporation of practical courses.
8th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing - SMCBS'2017
Date: 3-7 November 2017
Location: Zelechow Palace Hotel, Marszalka J. Pilsudskiego 36, 08-430 Zelechow, Poland,
Contact: Wlodzimierz Kutner (
The Workshop will be focused on the art of both chemical and non-chemical modification of solid transducer surfaces, novel methods of surface examination as well as recognition activity of the resulting bio- and chemosensors toward target analytes. The workshop is dedicated to young researchers. Tutorial lectures of renowned senior scientists, keynote lectures of top scientists in the field and broad discussion will allow these researchers to improve their knowledge on fundamentals and applications of sensors and sensing.
Redox Films for Energy Conversion - Bioelectrochemical and Molecular Systems,
28.9.-29.9.2017, Marseille, France
Chairs: Christophe Leger, Nicolas Plumere
This workshop focusses on bioelectrochemical systems and molecular catalysts, and their incorporation into protective matrices. It will discuss the latest advances and future priority research directions to open up the applications of highly active catalysts.
Journées d'éléctrochimie, JE 2017,
26.6.-29.6.2017, Bordeaux, France
Chairs: Dr. Stéphane Arbault, Prof. Neso Sojic
The “Journées d'Electrochimie” is a bi-annual conference gathering the French-speaking international community of electrochemists. Previous meetings were in Rome 2015, Paris 2013, Grenoble 2011, Sibiu 2009… Among the 9 general topics of the conference, bioelectrochemistry has always been a major one because of the large community of French-speaking scientists working in this field.
1st European Biosensor Symposium / 10th German Biosensor Symposium
20.3.-23.3.2017 Potsdam, Germany
Contact: Frank Bier, Ulla Wollenberger
This conference is mainly devoted to young researchers who want to present their research results and network with other scientists. This is accompanied by selected plenary and keynote lectures of more established scientists.
The biosensor research area has already very well developed and established besides classical techniques of bioanalysis. It is an interdisciplinary field with innovations from different areas such as materials science, nanotechnology, photonics, electrochemistry, polymer science, microsystems technology a.o. in order to generate analytical data out of biochemical and biomolecular interactions. Applications can be found mainly in medicine, environmental analysis, agricultural and food technology. Naturally the interface between the biological component and the technical system used for transduction is in the focus. Thus, the symposium will include biochemical aspects, biomimetic systems, transduction principles and devices, immobilization strategies, surface characterization methods and analytical applications.
10th International Workshop and Postgraduate Course Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact: Damien Miklavcic
The workshop is devoted to the interdisciplinary topic of electroporation which was in the heart of the society from the beginning. The interdisciplinary nature of electroporation and of its applications is also reflected in the expertise of the lecturers, which ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy, to physical chemistry and electrical engineering. Similarly broad is the range of participants expected to attend the course.
12th ISEAC International Discussion Meeting on Electrochemistry
7.-8.12.2016, Mumbai India
Contact: Suresh K. Aggarwal
The 12th ISEAC-DM-2016 is an event being organized under the auspices of Indian Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (ISEAC). During this event, different advanced topics like Biosensors, Nanomaterials, Biotechnology Applications, Ionic Liquids, Fuel Cells, etc. will be discussed. There will be UNCONFERENCE session and panel discussions for the benefit of all the delegates.
Engineering of Functional Interfaces ENFI 2016
3-5.7.2016 Wildau, Germany
Contact: Fred Lisdat
The basic idea of this workshop-like meeting is to bring together young scientists with different research tasks but some common interests in designing and constructing functional surfaces and their proper characterization. The meeting is organized in a special format since most of the participants will get the chance to explain their work in a short oral presentation. This is followed by an intensive discussion at the respective posters allowing a good overview on the different presented approaches and a more detailed exchange. Tutorial lecturers will cover different aspects of biohybrid systems starting from biomolecules via new transduction principles and innovative devices.
7th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and
Biochemical Sensing - SMCBS'2015
6.-10. November 2015 in Pultusk Castle, Pultusk, Poland
The art of chemical and non-chemical modification of solid transducer surfaces,
novel methods of surface examination and recognition activity of the resulting
biochemical and chemical sensors toward target analytes.
1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology,
Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies
6.-10. September 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia
8th Deutsches BioSensor Symposium
10-13 March, 2013
Contact: Fred Lisdat
Wildau, Germany
7th Conference on Experimental and Translational Oncology
20-24 April 2013
Secretariat of the Conference
Portoroz, Slovenia
ElecNano 5, The nanoscale and electroanalysis: surface nanostructuration, nanobiological systems, coupled methods, microsystems
15 - 17 May, 2013
Contact: Alexander Kuhn
Location: Bordeaux, France
Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing, SMCBS’2013
6th International Workshop
November 8-12, 2013
Lochow near Warsaw, Poland
Past Seminars, Schools and Conferences
Fifth ISEAC Triennial International Conference on Advances and Recent Trends in Electrochemistry (ELAC-2013)
16-20 January 2013
Hyderabad, India
The 8th Sino-French Workshop on “Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications”
and the 13th Workshop of the French Group of Bioelectrochemistry
September 24-28, 2012
Lacanau-Océan, FRANCE
Gordon Research Seminar (GRS)
Bioelectrochemistry Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar
June 30 - July 1 2012
Chair: Chloe Mauroy
Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy
Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
July 1-6 2012
Chair: Christine E. Pullar
Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy
Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments
November 13-19, 2011
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ecole thématique: "Capteurs Chimiques, Biocapteurs et Biopuces"
October 3-7, 2011
La Rochelle-France
Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS’2011)
November 4- 8, 2011
Lochow, Poland
Summer school on BIOCORROSION
Understanding biocorrosion: fundamentals & applications
July 25th-30, 2011
University of Portsmouth, UK
2011 International Bioelectrics Symposium, May 4-6, 2011
Toulouse (France)
22-30 November 2010
Director: F. BERSANI
5th Course: Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields
Directors: R. CADOSSI L. MIR
Biophysics & Bioelectrochemistry for Medicine:
Basic Concepts, New Techniques and Application Perspective
October 1-6, 2010
Vulcan-Brasov, Romania
Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
July 11-16, 2010
University of New England
Biddeford, ME, USA
Gordon Research Seminar (GRS)
Bioelectrochemistry Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar
July 10-11, 2010
University of New England
Biddeford, ME, USA
FEBS Workshop on "Understanding Transient Molecular Interactions in Biology"
May 18-21, 2010, Seville, Spain